Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Removing orphaned packages with GTKOrphan

The gtk orphan package present in the repositories of ubuntu can be conveniently used to clean up your system. It allows you to graphically select and remove packages that are no longer used.

On Ubuntu 9.10.Install gtkorphan as below.

$sudo apt-get install gtkorphan

A new menu entry will show up as System-Administration->Remove Orphaned packages.

Click on it.I got the following screen


Select the orphaned package you want to remove and click ok.

Finally, you will get the following screen.


Don Birdsall said...

Is this a GUI front end for the command:

sudo apt-get autoclean

or does it something different?

Anonymous said...

No, definitely not! It is a frontend for deborphan. It tracks dependencies of libraries and other software. Just another useful tool:)